I had another blog for some time but never committed to it like I should have. Now, I'm hoping to write on here more regularly. Will I keep it up? I have no idea, but I'll try. Over the next few weeks, I'll begin transferring my writings over there to here.
So, what have I been up to? Well, since I last wrote in 2015, I've had some babies and we've been growing as a family. Otherwise, it often feel like we're up to that same thing. We now have seven children, five boys and two girls. We are still living in Carolina, as we miss the Northern winters of our childhoods. We celebrated ten years of marriage last year and are looking forward to many more. Who knew that raising a family was such hard work?!
If you have questions you'd like me to answer about my family, me, my life, homeschooling, or anything else, let me know. I'll just be posting whatever comes to mind or whatever floats my boat.