Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Homeschooling Without Curriculum

For those who know me, I homeschool. That's not new. I also "unschool". We live of life of learning. For math, I have started using worksheets so I can assess where my boys are for their testing this summer. For the rest of it, we read or discuss or research as a family right on the spot. Want to know about the weather, drop what you're doing and lets go learn. That storm isn't too bad. Tell me what you see as we stand outside in the pea-size hail (nothing too dangerous though). Those bugs, yeah. Let's look that up. Oh, you're bleeding...ok, yeah, I can explain why your blood is read. Little questions become study opportunities if you let them.

Yesterday, I was sharing with my mom about how we watch "Pocahontas", the Disney one. The kids asked why the Indians and the "pirates" were so angry with each other. Side notes: First, we discussed who the pirates were. Second, I am not offended by being called an Indian and I'm pretty sure neither is my father, nor was my grandma or her mother. Back to the story at mom asked if I write down what we learn about every day. What? Why had that never occurred to me? We learn all day every day. I never thought to document it. If the school district wanted to see what my kids know, they'd have to sit and quiz them about everything from blood, the Indians, to chickens, to potatoes, to boogers, to diabetes, to guitars, to volcanoes...they would be here all day!

Why don't I document our discussions? It never occurred to me! Why not? Simple! Because it's our life. We discuss everything. I'm not shy about anything. My kids saw something about how male seahorses "give birth" to the babies. They asked if they have the babies how human mommies do (we've discussed those things and honestly, it was totally normal. We aren't afraid to discuss sex with our kids at age appropriate levels at our house. Maybe I should blog about that?). That led to research with everyone around the laptop watching a seahorse birth and discussing how fish lay eggs typically and they get fertilized. Just a normal day at our house.

I do write my own curriculum, but it's not really written. It's just life. If you have a question, let's look it up. We do sit for reading time and math time. We have to work on those as they are fighting me on those things. Science, social studies...those things? That's life! I think if more families lived their lives teaching their kids how to learn instead of focusing on just learning stuff for tests, we might be better off.


Everyone, I am a fat chick. Currently pregnant with my 6th child, I weigh a cool 210 pounds.  Yes, fat chick coming through. I'd love to weigh a little less and not have a baby bump that makes it impossible to fit my "normal" pans and jeans, but after 5 kids, I have a lot of clothes that still fit (Thank you maternity clothes).

It is, 3 months till I can even run around my yard, jump in the pool, and mow my huge lawn in my bikini but I feel like these posts are important. They show the world what I am teaching my kids. Yes, all you trolls, I am teaching them about obesity being acceptable, risking one's health because the tax payers pay for it, and all that shit. But really, no. I'm teaching them to accept where they are. I am fat, yes. But, at my thinnest, I was 165 and hot! I also ended up in the hospital because I was so unhealthy and my diabetes almost killed me because of it. So, I think anywhere from 180-200 is acceptable for me. What can I say, I love food and I can't diet very well because of my diabetes. 

Back to my half nakedness...This summer, I will be sporting not pregnant swimwear, slimming swimwear, or even one piece suits. I will be sporting the bikinis my husband and kids picked out along with one I picked up because I needed zero tan-lines for a military ball. I mean, FOCUS! We have priorities. I'm stuck with tan-lines 12 months a year, ask my hubby. 

Here's my pic:

See that fat lady? Yeah, that's me. Plan, simple, old (I'm 28), and jiggly. I plan on getting bigger but not because I'm gaining fat. I mean, I am pregnant people. I'll share those pictures too, maybe. I haven't decided. I do it because my girls love bikinis, because my girls want tons of kids, and my girls are my girls. We love food, we love dancing, we love running around and being loud, and we have big bones and they may end up heavier than YOU want them to be. 

I told my mom and my sister that I want my girls to feel total confident and comfortable standing, even walking around naked with their husbands one day. I want them to be able to do what I once did...take my clothes off (with or without someone around) and know I am sexy and beautiful. I don't believe that often now, and so I fake it so my girls will see that "a woman of size" can be fat and beautiful and effing sexy damn it! 

World, there are women who are bold and beautiful...not because they meet anyone's expectations, but because they blow them out of the water. These are my inspiration for the day. Please, check them out!