Well, I had another OB appointment, which happened to be the same day as my growth ultrasound. It took 6 hours to get to the doctors office and home, but that's alright. My sitter was late, so it wasn't my fault. I'm just thankful I had a sitter.
It was tough news for me to hear. Baby is growing "normally", which is awesome new. However, his head is measuring 5 weeks ahead of the estimated due date they have on file (so between 3-4 weeks ahead of the due time frame I came up with). I'm worried about VBA3C anyway, but his head size doesn't make me feel any more confident.
Physically, I'm exhausted. I'm having contractions all the time. One night, I woke up in so much pain from them I grabbed my husband and forced myself to focus on breathing. They eventually went back to what they normally are, but I was rather worried for awhile. It takes a lot for me to go in. I only went in when my water broke with my last baby. I had probably been in real labor for a solid 18 hours before making it to the hospital at 6-7cm. Who knows, if I go into labor early, I might just end up at a local hospital needing transport to my delivering hospital. Or, if God willed it, I could deliver in our garden bath tub. No big deal, right? That would be a birth story!
My kids are doing well. They are all getting excited. Even Ziva pats my tummy and says "baby" when she sees me. It's super sweet. Daddy is stressing out, but only because he's in school right now. He graduates on October 3. We're super excited...though he has to get his scores up if he hopes to make his career what he wants. He doesn't want to settle, but he's got work hard for it. I'll be editing papers last minute I'm sure. :)
My mom quit her job this week and will be driving from the Midwest to North Carolina to help me with the kids for the last 4-5 weeks I'm pregnant and until I'm healed. She sounds very excited! I need someone here in case I go into labor early as Daddy doesn't have the ability to leave work or miss work, even for a baby. Sad story, I know...not really. I had Ziva completely by myself, so I'm not concerned. Babies are born everyday without their Daddy there. Wives have babies without husbands. I've already had two births without my husband, one completely alone (after sitting in traffic for 4 hours waiting for an accident to clear, just 8 miles from the hospital).
Prayer Requests: VBA3C still...the staff at the hospital is completely against it. The ultrasound tech said they would require me to have a c-section if I came to the hospital I'm at and the OB still says he wants to do a c-section. I'm frustrated and really not sure what to do. Maybe I should write a letter of intent to VBA3C...we'll see. I'm not even sure what I would write in it. Any ideas? Pray please. Above all else, for peace. I trust the God will provide for our needs and for our situation as He always has. I just need peace and my husband needs peace.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Friday, September 13, 2013
Stinky Cloth Diaper Fix
Over the past 7 months, I have noticed that the cloth diapers I've been using for over a year have started to hold onto their stink...especially the poopy ones. Icky! I thought I knew all I needed to know about stripping the diapers. Boy was I wrong! Yesterday, in yet another internet search for answers, I found a blog that had what I had never heard before. It was eye opening! Of course, I cannot find the blog or the information anywhere in my phone or computer web history, so I'm just going to share it. If you find it, please contact me so I can credit this brilliant woman who opened my eyes!
For years, I've cloth diapered. Using homemade detergent that worked well for my kidlets sensitive skin and getting clothing clean. It worked well for everything, including diapers. I had to change from that detergent about two months ago when my youngest began breaking out with this horrid rash where the diapers covered. I went back to the ever expensive Tide...I hate paying so much, but if it works, it works. Yes, I use it for the diapers and have no real problem. I use less than recommended and rinse each load 5 times (with my washer, it takes about 4.5 hours to wash a load of diapers (3-4 days worth). I began rinsing with vinegar when my friend gave me instructions after I purchased my first diapers from her. It worked well, until about 6 months ago.
The diapers, up until this spring, held onto their ammonia stink, which I could handle. I just rinsed with vinegar again and continued on with my day. Fourish months ago, they started to hold onto everything...it smelled like I hadn't even washed them! It was frustrating and I was ready to go back to disposable as I could not handle the stink being pregnant and all. Searching and searching had turned up nothing until a very recently. Here's what I found...
Hard water can react with vinegar to make it hold onto stink or create it's own odor. Icky! I didn't know that. I had never heard that! Why did it take years to find that out?! The answer was simple...baking soda. That also explains why the stink got so much worse when I switched back to store bought laundry detergent. I had always used tons of baking soda in my detergent and now, I wasn't using any. My diaper stink problem has been solved. Friends, if you have that stink that you can't get rid of, strip the diapers, but instead of adding vinegar to the rinse, add baking soda. I guess on the amount. I don't even measure when I cook, so laundry is no different. I would suggest you experiment with amounts until you find what works for you.
My Diaper Washing Process:
I do wash my diapers once, rinse 3-4 times, then line dry. It is a process and most other people don't do this much with their diapers. I just hate stink and would rather have it clean than stinky. If you want some other information on cloth diapers and cloth diaper care, feel free to search for it. I did for years and still do. The information is just waiting for you!
For years, I've cloth diapered. Using homemade detergent that worked well for my kidlets sensitive skin and getting clothing clean. It worked well for everything, including diapers. I had to change from that detergent about two months ago when my youngest began breaking out with this horrid rash where the diapers covered. I went back to the ever expensive Tide...I hate paying so much, but if it works, it works. Yes, I use it for the diapers and have no real problem. I use less than recommended and rinse each load 5 times (with my washer, it takes about 4.5 hours to wash a load of diapers (3-4 days worth). I began rinsing with vinegar when my friend gave me instructions after I purchased my first diapers from her. It worked well, until about 6 months ago.
The diapers, up until this spring, held onto their ammonia stink, which I could handle. I just rinsed with vinegar again and continued on with my day. Fourish months ago, they started to hold onto everything...it smelled like I hadn't even washed them! It was frustrating and I was ready to go back to disposable as I could not handle the stink being pregnant and all. Searching and searching had turned up nothing until a very recently. Here's what I found...
Hard water can react with vinegar to make it hold onto stink or create it's own odor. Icky! I didn't know that. I had never heard that! Why did it take years to find that out?! The answer was simple...baking soda. That also explains why the stink got so much worse when I switched back to store bought laundry detergent. I had always used tons of baking soda in my detergent and now, I wasn't using any. My diaper stink problem has been solved. Friends, if you have that stink that you can't get rid of, strip the diapers, but instead of adding vinegar to the rinse, add baking soda. I guess on the amount. I don't even measure when I cook, so laundry is no different. I would suggest you experiment with amounts until you find what works for you.
My Diaper Washing Process:
- Throw diapers (icky stuff removed of course) into the washing machine
- Wash the load with hot water (my washer does not have the "hot water rinse option", but a hot wash works fine) and whatever soap you use for your diapers (I used homemade, but currently use Tide Free & Clear, or whatever it's called)
- Rinse two more times, I have an HE washer so it's a small amount of water for me, not sure if you have to rinse extra, but I like to ensure no build up
- For the final rinse, add baking soda (instead of the classic vinegar)
I do wash my diapers once, rinse 3-4 times, then line dry. It is a process and most other people don't do this much with their diapers. I just hate stink and would rather have it clean than stinky. If you want some other information on cloth diapers and cloth diaper care, feel free to search for it. I did for years and still do. The information is just waiting for you!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Mommy's Bad Day
Do you ever have those days? The ones where life just sucks?
Well, one day last week was one of those days for me. I didn't sleep well because I'm basically in labor but not progressing, which is a good thing at this point. So, I was tired.
Then there was the water and ice that was spilled in the car all over the only diapers I brought with us and the pillow his sister loves.
Speech was filled with no listening skills. Naps was much the same.
Bed time was the only highlight of the day, but as I sat in my bed listening to them chatter, I relished in it. The kids were all staying in their beds, even 18 month old Ziva. Calling for Mom, but not getting out of bed. That hasn't happened in over 2 years. Normally, I have to lay in their room with them or fold laundry outside their door to get them to stay in bed. Nope, not last night. Sleep came easy and quickly to me bunch last night. For that, I am thankful.
Today is a new day. I will rejoice and be glad in everything, even the water sitting in the cup holder that I have yet to clean up.
Well, one day last week was one of those days for me. I didn't sleep well because I'm basically in labor but not progressing, which is a good thing at this point. So, I was tired.
Then there was the water and ice that was spilled in the car all over the only diapers I brought with us and the pillow his sister loves.
Speech was filled with no listening skills. Naps was much the same.
Bed time was the only highlight of the day, but as I sat in my bed listening to them chatter, I relished in it. The kids were all staying in their beds, even 18 month old Ziva. Calling for Mom, but not getting out of bed. That hasn't happened in over 2 years. Normally, I have to lay in their room with them or fold laundry outside their door to get them to stay in bed. Nope, not last night. Sleep came easy and quickly to me bunch last night. For that, I am thankful.
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So thankful for God's promises and forgiveness. |
Today is a new day. I will rejoice and be glad in everything, even the water sitting in the cup holder that I have yet to clean up.
Weeks 30 & 31 Pregnancy Update
I skipped the last 3-4 weeks as not much is going on pregnancy wise. I'm getting huge, but I'm not hungry all the time any more. I'm hoping that means I won't gain tons of weight. That is always a concern for my dietician and endocrinologist. I normally lose weight when I'm pregnant. This time, I've gained a whole 10 pounds...shocking, I know. My first I gained 12 and lost it when he was born. My second, gained 15 and lost that plus 5 before leaving the hospital. Third, I broke even, gaining 10, losing 10. Fourth, I gained 17, but I lost 20. With her, however, I overate, trying to keep my milk supply up and ended up gaining 10 pound between birth and 11 month old. This time, I'm hoping to break even and get down to pre-marriage weight before the next baby, God willing.
It's busy with the four kids and being this far along, but I love it! My kids are a handful, but they are such a joy and I wouldn't trade my life for anything else. Zach and Asher are getting very excited to meet their newest sibling. Every time I go to any doctor, they ask if the doctor is going to take the baby out this time. There is an overwhelming sadness for them when I tell them not this time.
Birth planning is seeming like a constant battle. I really want this VBA3C. It's hard to explain to the doctors why, but they can't force me to have another scheduled c-section. If this beautiful little one decides to come before my 39 week c-section, which I am praying for, I will be trying a VBA3C...which means I will be laboring in a bed hooked up to constant monitors to watch for the uterine rupture or other "distressing" signs. Not ideal, but if God blesses me with the chance, I know I can do it.
I am still nursing and plan to continue to until Ziva is either two year old or not interested. I'm guessing she'll want to nurse until she's two. So, I'll start to completely ween after Christmas. I am hoping that continuing to nurse will help her adjust to not being the baby any more. Keely didn't do so well, so I'm really looking for something to help make it easier.
Not much else is going on in our home these days. Daddy, Lord willing, will not be here much for the next four weeks. We are praying he'll be finishing up his final school before a possible deployment and a promotion. We'd appreciate prayers for peace in this situation and that God would allow Daddy to get into this class. We are up against the re-enlistment deadline and are hoping to get to a real unit before having to sign again. Please, pray. We need lots of prayer for peace more than anything.
Blessings to you all!

It's busy with the four kids and being this far along, but I love it! My kids are a handful, but they are such a joy and I wouldn't trade my life for anything else. Zach and Asher are getting very excited to meet their newest sibling. Every time I go to any doctor, they ask if the doctor is going to take the baby out this time. There is an overwhelming sadness for them when I tell them not this time.
Birth planning is seeming like a constant battle. I really want this VBA3C. It's hard to explain to the doctors why, but they can't force me to have another scheduled c-section. If this beautiful little one decides to come before my 39 week c-section, which I am praying for, I will be trying a VBA3C...which means I will be laboring in a bed hooked up to constant monitors to watch for the uterine rupture or other "distressing" signs. Not ideal, but if God blesses me with the chance, I know I can do it.
I am still nursing and plan to continue to until Ziva is either two year old or not interested. I'm guessing she'll want to nurse until she's two. So, I'll start to completely ween after Christmas. I am hoping that continuing to nurse will help her adjust to not being the baby any more. Keely didn't do so well, so I'm really looking for something to help make it easier.
Not much else is going on in our home these days. Daddy, Lord willing, will not be here much for the next four weeks. We are praying he'll be finishing up his final school before a possible deployment and a promotion. We'd appreciate prayers for peace in this situation and that God would allow Daddy to get into this class. We are up against the re-enlistment deadline and are hoping to get to a real unit before having to sign again. Please, pray. We need lots of prayer for peace more than anything.
Blessings to you all!
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