Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Where Have I Been>

In short, I've been raising 5 kids, homeschooling the oldest 3, spending time with my husband, and trying to clean in my spare time. I've been busy. Where have you been? What have you been up to?

Having 5 children has been such a blessing and a challenge. It's not harder than having 4, but it presents new challenges because the older kids are entering different stages and need different attention. We have adjusted and are getting back to normal. They youngest of the group is almost 10 months old now. He's growing like crazy and changing all the time. He still loves to cuddle and nurse, but has learned how to scale the staircases, crawl around everywhere, pull up on everything, and how to communicate with all those around him. Ziva continues to grow and learn and change. She's 2 now and shows her personality fully. She's sassy and fun loving. She loves trucks and rough housing but also enjoys painted nails and hair clips. Keely is almost 4. She recently got her ears pierced and is so in love with them. She is my girly girl. Skirts, nail polish, earrings...those are all up her ally. Asher is 5 and is our sports guy. Running, jumping, throwing,'s all for Asher. His real loves are hockey and soccer. Zach is a sensitive heart who wants to be understood and loved. He likes art and drawing. He does enjoy sports, but not like Asher. He's really interested in music right now, so I'm looking for a piano teacher who takes young students. 

Homeschooling is a challenge. It's 90 degrees here by 10am and I have no motivation to do anything! It's horrible. The kids do their lessons but I'm not sure they are remembering it like they should be. I haven't every taught kids before so I don't really know. I guess only time will tell. 

I mainly am just busy living life. I would love to write more, but by the time the day is done, I have no time or energy to write. Honestly, I don't really care to write either. I'm tired and ready to crash by the time everything is done. To me, that means I live a full, abundant life, just what God wants me to do. I am blessed.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Our Unschooling Homeschool

I've changed so much since I had my third child. I used to believe that conventional ways of doing things was best. Some times, the only way of doing things. Now, I find that it isn't. I wear my youngsters much of their infancy. I feed my family as much unprocessed foods as possible. I focus on life rather than things and our faith more than anything else. I have also found myself changing my mindset on education and learning.

Currently, we live in a state that discourages "unschooling," as it is called. Having said that, I am an unschooling mom. I homeschool my children by encouraging them to learn about what they want to learn about. Right now, I am pushing reading. Not purely because the state will require them to read soon, but because they keep asking to learn how to read. They want to, so we are learning through play, daily life, and a little study time.

I encourage my kids to play all day long. The boys learn the most when we are playing and being active. My oldest has learned basic math skills and science "stuff" (like gravity and magnetic properties) simply by playing. I would rather learn by play. We have completely shaken off the traditional method of learning and have replaced it with a lifestyle of learning. I use every opportunity to turn simple moments or ordinary ones into learning and teaching moments. Life has become our school and the world is our classroom.

I am currently still trying to decide how I can meet my state's requirements for home instruction while sticking as much to unschooling as possible. I don't know that we can really continue it since some counties are strict about having a set curriculum and school session calendar. We are holding out hope that our children's curiosity will drive them to learn even if we have to have books and study time to meet states standards.

How about you? Are you a fellow Unschooling family? What do you do to encourage your children on their journey? How do you help them on the way? Do you have state requirements like we do? How do you meet them?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

"Mommy, what are those marks on your tummy?"

Keeping it real
My sweet five year old was kissing his newest sibling good night and asked me question I've been waiting for, "Mommy, what are those marks on your tummy?"
"Those are from having so many babies. Mommy loves those marks. I love having all of you guys!"
"Those are from having so many kids?"
"Yes, Zach. They are Mommies reminders of you guys. They are special."

Battle scars. Those "marks" are battle scars. My husband once told me that as he has "grown up" in fatherhood and husband-hood, he has come to see the changes motherhood has caused to me as sacrifice. I have stretch marks everywhere. They won't fade enough for me, but that doesn't matter. They are reminders of how blessed I have been. If my husband doesn't find them gross and ugly, why should I worry.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Diabetic Mother With "Many" Children

I am a diabetic. I have been since I was 9 year old. That's 18 years. It has been a very hard thing, but I think it can also be viewed as a blessing. I struggle everyday, but the Lord is good and has blessings in this struggle, I'm sure.

I am a mother. I have been for nearly 6 years now. I have had 5 children. My first birth had to be planned to ensure the pediatric hospital that was attached to hospital I was delivering at would have the needed staff on hand. That meant a cardiologist, pediatric cardio-thorasic surgeon, and a number of other staff. I was induced and hated it. I was exhausted and threw up the entire labor and delivery process. My next three were all c-sections because #2 was breech and 11 pounds, #3 was 12 pounds, and #4 was 11 pounds again. My 5th baby was a c-section due to head size (45.2 weeks at time of delivery). :)

I recently had an online conversation with another diabetic I've been friends with for years. She has one daughter and wants to start trying for another one. Her doctors told her they would not give their blessing until her A1C is 7 or below. I had three babies with A1C numbers of 9 or over, thanks to doctors fighting for control of my diabetes. I gave her my advice and blessing, pledging my undying support for her no matter what she decided. She lacks all support except from her husband. Heartbreaking...absolutely heartbreaking. 

That conversation brought to my attention how blessed I truly am. I told the doctors to, basically, go screw themselves and had babies as God has seen fit. He has been so good to me and blessed me with my children. I would consider my children blessings even with birth defects. That fact alone is a gift from God. He allowed me to get diabetes, which I hate, but He has blessed me even with this disease. He took my heart and changed it to trust Him with our family size and fertility. In that step of faith, He met me and my husband and has blessed us, just because He's so good.

We are all at different places in our faith. Not everyone is at a place to trust the Lord with their family size. Not everyone is at a place to stop going to the doctor or to give up medicine (like me, I am not at the place right now and I may never be). The beautiful thing about God is that He meets us where we are. Right now, our family doesn't regularly attend church, but the Lord is always in our hearts, on our lips, and in our lives. Prayer and worship are in our daily life. The Lord understands our situation and blesses us where we are. He meets us where we are. 

My friend, I know you are not at a place to simply let go and trust God, but I pray that He will bless you as you seek Him more and trust His will, even in small ways. Small ways build up to big ways. Trusting God with one pregnancy and one babies's life has lead us to trust Him with our family size and  to five amazing babies! I pray for you daily and my heartbreaks that you are so alone in this moment. From 1200 miles away, let me hug you and love you when you need support. I only have my husband's support as well. It is tough, but you can do it. Have faith, and if you cannot, I will have faith for you. I'm praying for you!